Technovate2022 - Forensics - Trail Blazer
Trail Blazer
I just made this cool website that acts as your own personal web browser!
Why is this cool? Well… I wrote it! Anyway, check it out and let me know if there are any features you would like to see added!
Hint: You just need to search for /flag.txt.
upon opening the website in my browser i am presented with the following form:
If i try to input any url e.g. I get redirected to this page:
But I get an error:
So it looks like the program is including an actual single file.
Let’s try something like: /proc/version
The GET request would look like this:
And I get the following response:
So that confirms that the LFI technique is in fact working.
Since the hint for this challenge says: You just need to search for /flag.txt
We can just get the flag like so: