
MHSCTF - Crypto - Em Dee

Crypto - Em Dee - writeup


I have a good friend named Em. She loves secret codes, so when she challenged me this time, I was well up for it! She told me that she encoded the word “happy” as “56ab24c15b72a457069c5ea42fcfc640” and “sad” as “49f0bad299687c62334182178bfd75d8” (without the quotes) and challenged me to encode “mhsctf” using her method! I can’t figure it out! What would it be? Enter your answer in flag format: “flag{…}”


So i fired up CrackStation and it turns out that the encoded hashes are MD5 hashes.

happy encoded in MD5 equals to 56ab24c15b72a457069c5ea42fcfc640 sad encoded in MD5 equals to 49f0bad299687c62334182178bfd75d8

mhsctf encoded in MD5 is fc3e3c405a66f8fe7cb7f17a838ea88c

flag: flag{fc3e3c405a66f8fe7cb7f17a838ea88c}