THM - Learn - Offensive Pentesting - BlueAuthor published on 2022-04-09 included in pwn privesc tryhackmeTryHackMe - Learn - Offensive Pentesting - Blue Task 1: Recon Scan and learn what exploit this machine is vulnerable to. Please note that this machine does not respond to ping (ICMP) and may take a few minutes to boot up. This room is not meant to be a boot2root CTF, rather, this is an educational series for complete beginners. Professionals will likely get very little out of this room beyond basic practice as the process here is meant to be beginner-focused.
RITSEC CTF - Crypto - Lost InAuthor published on 2022-04-07 included in ritsecctf cryptoCrypto - Lost in - writeup description 324c6e597364696f3259725a6f646d673261453d Bingus sent us this encrypted messagen Can you decrypt? writeup this is the message we got: 1 324c6e597364696f3259725a6f646d673261453d this looks to be hex let’s translate that hex string to ascii: 1 2LnYsdio2YrZodmg2aE= The = at the end most probably means that this is base64 If I try to decode this from base64 I get this: 1 عربي١٠١ this is Arabic. Once I try to use google translate to translate this to English I get this:
RITSEC CTF - Misc - StegwalkAuthor published on 2022-04-07 included in ritsecctf miscMisc - Stegwalk - writeup description We found these files in storage. We think there might be something more to one of these featuredImages. Good luck! writeup Ok so I first downloaded the file ‘’ Let’s move it for our convenience. 1 mv ~/Downloads/ . I am going to extract the file first 1 unzip -d StegWalk Inside this zip archive are a dozen of .png files … Most of these featuredImage files just say ‘Nothing’.
RITSEC CTF - Misc - Scrumptions SnacksAuthor published on 2022-04-07 included in ritsecctf miscMisc - Scrumptions Snacks - writeup description Sheamus the STEGOsaurus is hungry! He’s somewhat secretive about his favorite snack spot, but he’ll gladly share his secret if you say the word: “lunch”. Can you identify the name of Sheamus’ favorite food establishment? writeup So I first downloaded the file ‘stegosaurus.jpg’. Let’s see what we have here: 1 mv ~/Downloads/stegosaurus.jpg . 1 2 file stegosaurus.jpg stegosaurus.jpg: JPEG featuredImage data, JFIF standard 1.
picoCTF - Web Exploitation - SQLiLiteAuthor published on 2022-04-06 included in picoctf webWeb Exploitation - SQLiLite - writeup description Can you login to this website? Try to login here. writeup Once i visit the website in firefox I can see a login form with a username and a password field. My first attempt was to use the username ‘admin’ and try a basic sql injection. So I input in the username field this: 1 admin'-- the single quote is here to end the input of the text box.
picoCTF - Web Exploitation - SQL DirectAuthor published on 2022-04-06 included in picoctf webWeb Exploitation - SQL Direct - writeup description Connect to this PostgreSQL server and find the flag! psql -h -p 49248 -U postgres pico Password is postgres writeup Ok let’s first connect to the database server: 1 psql -h -p 49248 -U postgres pico the password is ‘postgres’ Let’s list all databases first 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 pico=# \l List of databases Name | Owner | Encoding | Collate | Ctype | Access privileges -----------+----------+----------+------------+------------+----------------------- pico | postgres | UTF8 | en_US.